25 anthems
Overige titelgegevens : in four volumes / Orlando Gibbons
Bevat This is the record of John, koor (5 st.), orgel We praise thee, o Father, koor (5 st.), orgel Why art thou so heavy, o my soul, koor (4 st.) (psalm 043, onterecht toegeschreven aan O. Gibbons, de componist is H. Loosemore) Now shall the praises of the Lord be sung, koor (2 st.) (The first song of Moses) Sing praises Israel to the Lord, koor (2 st.) (The song of Deborah) Now in the Lord my heart doth pleasure take, koor (2 st.) (The song of Hannah) Thy beauty, Israel, is gone, koor (2 st.) (The lamentation of David over Saul and Jonathan) Come kisse me with those lips of thine, koor (2 st.) (The first canticle) Oh my love, how comely now, koor (2 st.) (The fifth canticle) Arise thou north winde from the north, koor (2 st.) (The sixth canticle) Who's this, that leaning on her friend, koor (2 st.) (The tenth canticle) Lord, I will sing to thee, koor (2 st.) (The second song of Isaiah) O Lord of hoasts and God of Israel, koor (2 st.) (The prayer of Hezekiah) How sad and solitary now, koor (2 st.) (Lamentation) Lord, thy answere I did heare, koor (2 st.) (The prayer of Habakuk) Thus angels sung, and thus sing we, koor (2 st.) (The song of angels) Come Holy Ghost, the maker, come, koor (2 st.) (Veni creator) As on the night before this blessed morne, koor (2 st.) (Christmas Day) When one among the twelve there was, koor (2 st.) (St. Matthias) Oh all you creatures of the Lord, koor (2 st.) (The song of the three children)
Annotatie Voor 2-st. koor, voor 4-st. koor en voor 5-st. koor met orgelbegeleiding. - Oorspr. verschenen in de serie Tudor Church Music (uitg. Oxford University Press)
Serie Tudor English church music
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