Overige titelgegevens / Joseph Haydn ; herausgegeben vom Joseph Haydn-Institut, Köln
Bevat The auld gudeman, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:184 (1801, hg.st., I'll hae my coat o'gude snuff brown, Bes gr.t.) Bannocks o' barley meal, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:171 (1801, hg.st., Barleymeal, Argyle is my name, and you may think it strange, G gr.t.) Tears that must ever fall, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:186 (1801, hg.st., A youth, adorn'd with every art, D gr.t.) Hey tutti taiti, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:174 (1801, hg.st., Scots, wha ha'e wi Wallace bled, G gr.t.) Maggy Lauder, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:035bis (1800, hg.st., Maggie, Wha wadna be in love, A gr.t.) Barbara Allen, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:011bis (1800, hg.st., Allan, 'Twas at the hour of dark midnight, c kl.t.) Robin Adair, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:202 (1801, O had I a cave on some wild distant shore) Pinkie House, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:183 (1800, D gr.t., By Pinkey House oft let me walk) Tak' your auld cloak about ye, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:180 (1800, g kl.t., Tak, In winter when the rain rain'd cauld) Sensibility, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:173 (1800, Es gr.t., How charming) Jenny's bawbee, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:252 (1801, G gr.t., I met four chaps yon birks amang) Rothie murcus rant, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:165 (1800, C gr.t., Rothiemurcus, Lassie wi' the lintwhite locks) The lass of Patie's mill, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:160 (1800, C gr.t.) My apron deary, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:189 (1801, G gr.t., My sheep I neglected, I lost my sheep-hook) Rattling roaring Willy, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:227 (1801, F gr.t., O wise and valiant Willy) Woes my heart that we shou'd sunder, zangstemmen (2), viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:155 (1800, Wae's, should, With broken words, and down-cast eyes) The lea-rig, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:031bis (1800, F gr.t., When o'er the hill the eastern star) Galashiels, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:179 (1800, Es gr.t., Ah the poor shepherd's mournful fate) Thro' the wood, laddie, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:181 (1800, F gr.t., O Sandy, why leav'st thou thy Nelly to mourn?) Down the burn, Davie, zangstemmen (2), viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:152 (1800, When trees did bud, and fields were green) On Ettrick banks, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:151 (1800, D gr.t., In a summer night) The broom of Cowdenknows, soli (2), koor (2 st.), instrumenten (2), Hob. XXXIa:170 (1800, How blythe ilk morn was I to see) I wish my love were in a myre, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:177 (1800, Bes gr.t., Again rejoicing Nature sees) William and Margret, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:153 (1800, g kl.t., Margaret, 'Twas at the fearful midnight hour) Saw ye my father, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:005bis (D gr.t., Where are the joys I have met in the morning) Auld Robin Gray, zangstem, viool, b.c., Hob. XXXIa:168 (1800, D gr.t., When the sheep are in the fauld and the ky at hame) The ewy wi' the crooked horn, zangstemmen (2), viool, b.c., Hob XXXIa:116bis (1800, G gr.t., Ewie, O were I able to rehearse) A waking, O!, zangstemmen (2), strijkers (2), klavecimbel, Hob XXXIa:157 (1800, Ay) The blathrie o't, zangstem, strijkers (2), klavecimbel, Hob. XXXIa:162 (1800, b kl.t., I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen) An thou wert mine ain thing, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:164 (1800, A gr.t.) Logan water, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:163 (1800, g kl.t., O Logan! sweetly didst thou glide) Queen Mary's lamentation, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:161 (1800, Es gr.t., I sigh and lament me in vain) Highland Mary, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:159 (1800, Es gr.t., Thou ling'ring star, with less'ning ray) Fee him, father, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:156 (1800, F gr.t., Saw ye Johnie coming, quo' she) Scornfu' Nancy, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:185 (1800, Bes gr.t., Nansy, Far in the glen, whence yonder light) Bessy Bell and Mary Gray, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:178 (1800, C gr.t.) Johnny's gray breeks, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:154 (1800, Bes gr.t., Johnie's grey, 'Twas ev'n, the dewy fields were green) My dearie if thou die, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:166 (1800, e kl.t., Deary an, Love never more shall give me pain) Bonny Jean, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:172 (1800, D gr.t., Love's goddess, in a myrtle grove) My mithers ay glowran o'er me, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:070bis (1800, e kl.t., mither's, glowrin, Answer) The birks of Invermay, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:187 (1801, G gr.t., Smiling morn, the breathing spring) Auld Rob Morris, zangstemmen (2), klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:192 (1801, There's Auld Rob Morris that wons in yon glen) Waly waly, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:214bis (1801, D gr.t., O waly waly, up the bank) She rose and loot me in, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:219bis (1801, d kl.t., Let, Night her silent sable wore) The ewe-bughts, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:188 (1801, Will ye go to the ewe-bughts, Marion) The braes of Ballenden, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:200 (1801, G gr.t., Beneath a green shade, a lovely young swain) John of Badenyon, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:024bis (1801, g kl.t., o', When first I came to be a man) O'er bogie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:016bis (1801, fis kl.t., Well I agree, you're sure of me) Woo'd and married and a', zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:038bis (1801, No house in the village could stowe them) What ye wha I met yestreen, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:069bis (1801, e kl.t., Now wat, Edinburgh Kate) What can a young lassie do, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:134bis (1801, Shall) If a body meet a body, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:080bis (1801, G gr.t., O Tibbie! I have seen the day) The shepherd's wife, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:128bis (1801, Es gr.t., Rosebud by my early walk) The wee wee man, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:124bis (1801, Es gr.t., O bonny was yon rosy brier) My Nanny, O, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:037quater (1801, Nanie, Behind yon hills where Lugar flows) The brisk young lad, zangstem, klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:046bis (1801, e kl.t., Gaberlunzie man, Pawky auld carle came o'er the lea) Mary's dream, zangstem, klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:001bis (1801, fis kl.t., Moon had climb'd the highest hill) The weary pund o' tow, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:129bis (1801) Macpherson's farewell, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:182 (1801, Farewell, ye dungeons dark and strong) The looking glass, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:158 (1801, For you, ye fair, the olive spreads) Polwarth on the green, zangstemmen (2), klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:265 (1801, Marion, O Marian is a bonny lass) Peggy, I must love thee, zangstemmen (2), klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:167 (1801, Beneath a beech's grateful shade) The death of the linnet, zangstemmen (2), klavecimbel, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:138bis (1801, But lately seen, in gladsome green) Young Jockey was the blythest lad, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:064bis (1801, a kl.t.) Gramachree, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:013bis (1801, D gr.t., One morning very early, one morning in the spring) O let me in this ae night, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:061bis (1801, d kl.t., O lassie, art thou sleeping yet) O'er the hills and far away, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:149bis (1801, Awa, O how can my poor heart be glad) The maid that tends the goats, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:221bis (1801, a kl.t., Hark! the mavis' ev'ning sang) The blythesome bridal, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:020bis (1801, D gr.t., Fy let's a' to the bridal, 'Tis nae very lang sinsyne) Deil tak the wars, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:229 (1801, Bes gr.t., Tak', Sleep'st thou, or wak'st thou, fairest creature) The mucking of Geordie's byne, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:051bis (1801, e kl.t., o', byre, My heart is a breaking, dear Titty) Willie was a wanton wag, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:004bis (1801, Bes gr.t., There was a lass, and she was fair) Oran gaoil, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:228 (1801, Behold the hour, the boat arrive!) Green grow the rashes, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:008bis (1801, There's nought but care on ev'ry hand) The poet's ain Jean, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:230 (1801, G gr.t., Of a' the airts the wind can blaw) Oonagh, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:249 (1801, d kl.t., Sae flaxen were her ringlets) Strathallan's lament, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:145bis (1801, D gr.t., Thickest night surround my dwelling!) Fy gar rub her o'er wi' strae, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:007bis (1801, O wat ye wha's in yonder town) Muirland Willy, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:242 (1801, Now harken and I will tell you how) Craigieburn Wood, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:193 (1801, D gr.t., Sweet fa's the eve on Craigieburn) The auld wife ayont the fire, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:195 (1801, Es gr.t., Where Cart rins rowing to the sea) Cauld kail in Aberdeen, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:055bis (1801, How lang and dreary is the night) The sutor's daughter, zangstemmen (2), piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:198 (1801, Doughter, Wilt thou be my dearie?) The last time I came o'er the muir, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:199 (1801, D gr.t.) The boatman, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:246 (1801, C gr.t., Ye gales that gently wave the sea) Whistle o'er the lave o't, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:076bis (1801, F gr.t., First when Maggy was my care) My love she's but a lassie yet, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:194 (1801, C gr.t.) Gil Morris, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:196 (1801, Es gr.t., Fate gave the word, the arrow sped) The minstrel, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:115bis (1801, b kl.t., Keen blaws the wind o'er Donocht-head) Kellyburn braes, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:148bis (1801, There lived a carle in) Hooly and fairly, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:237 (1801, D gr.t., Oh! what had I ado for to marry!) I canna come ilke day to woo, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:140bis (1801, A gr.t., Ilka, Now bank and brae are cloth'd in green) Killicrankie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:169 (1801, C gr.t., Killiecrankie, When Willy Pitt, as he thought fit) The lone vale, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:175 (1801, Bes gr.t., Highland air, How sweet this lone vale) A Jacobite air, soli (2), koor (2 st.), instrumenten (3), Hob. XXXIa:231 (1801, Phely & Willy, O Phely, happy be that day) Up and war them a' Willie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:233 (1801, F gr.t., Willy, Where's he, for honest poverty) The old highland laddie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:248 (1801, D gr.t., Lawland maids gang trig and fine) The wish, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:245 (1801, g kl.t., Could I find a bonny glen) Bonnie wee thing, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:102ter (1801, A gr.t., Bonny) The tears of Caledonia, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:201 (1801, d kl.t., Mourn, hapless) Up in the morning early, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:028ter (1801, g kl.t., Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west) The flowers of Edinburgh, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:090bis (1801, F gr.t., Here is the glen, and here the bower) Morag, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:143bis (1801, c kl.t., O wha is she that loes me) Roslin castle, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:191 (1801, c kl.t., 'Twas in that season of the year) The soger laddie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:060bis (1801, Es gr.t., Soldier, Come, rest ye here, Johnie) Langolee, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:235 (1801, G gr.t., 'Twas summer) The east neuk o'fife, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:234 (1801, F gr.t., Auld gudeman, ye're a drunken carle) Jingling Jonnie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:263 (1801, F gr.t., Johnie, By Allan stream I chanc'd to rove) The happy topers, zangstem, koor (2 st.), instrumentaal ensemble (3), Hob. XXXIa:243 (1801, Trio, O Willy brew'd a peck o' ma't) The bonnie grey ey'd morn, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:101bis (1801, Bes gr.t., Bonny grey-ey'd, Soldier am I) Green sleeves, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:112bis (1801, e kl.t., It was the charming month of May) The birks of Abergeldie, zangstem, piano, strijkers (2), Hob. XXXIa:058bis (1801, b kl.t., Bonny lassie, will ye go)
Annotatie Voor 1 zangstem en 2 zangstemmen, viool, cello en toetsinstrument. - Een aantal liederen bevat ook een koorpartij. - De nummering is van de uitgever. - Engelse en Schotse teksten. - Met voorw., kritisch commentaar en facsimile's. - Cop. 2001
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