Orpheus Britannicus

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Overige titelgegevens / Purcell

Bevat Oroonoko, sopranen (2), b.c., Z. 584 (1695, Celemene, pray tell me) Though my mistress be fair, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 514 (1684) Of old when heroes thought it base, Z. 333 (1690, Yorkshire feast song). And in each tract of glory, tenor, bas, b.c. (Track) Aureng-Zebe, zangstem, b.c., Z. 573 (s, Great Mogul, I see she flies me, g kl.t.) Abdelazer, Z. 570 (1695). Lucinda is bewitching fair, zangstem, b.c. (s) The fairy queen, Z. 629 (1692). Come let us leave the town, sopraan, bas, strijkorkest. Pu. When Myra sings, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 521 (1695) Dulcibella, whene'er I sue for a kiss, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 485 (1685) Bonduca, Z. 574 (1695). To arms, your ensigns straight, countertenor, bas, b.c. The prophetess, Z. 627 (1690, History of Dioclesian). Since the toils and the hazards of war, zangstem, fluiten (2), b.c. (a, met Prelude) Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (Birthday ode for Queen Mary). Celebrate this festival, vrouwenstemmen (3), mannenstemmen (2), b.c.; arr. (zangstem, b.c., C gr.t.) Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (1693, Birthday ode for Queen Mary). Kindly treat Maria's day, zangstem, b.c. (s) Pausanias, the betrayer of his country, Z. 585 (1695). Sweeter than roses, zangstem, b.c. (s, g kl.t.) Henry the Second, King of England, zangstem, b.c., Z. 580 (1692, s, In vain 'gainst love I strove, auteurschap van Mountfort en Bancroft staat niet vast) The Indian Emperor, zangstem, b.c., Z. 598 (1691, t, g kl.t., I look'd and saw within the book of Fate) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Two daughters of this aged stream, sopranen (2), b.c. Epsom Wells, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 579 (1693, Leave these useless arts) When Teucer from his father fled, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 522 (1685) For love ev'ry creature is form'd, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 488 (1691) The Indian queen, Z. 630. Ye twice ten-hundred deities, zangstem, strijkorkest (b, You) The Indian queen, Z. 630. Seek not to know, zangstem, hobo's (2), b.c. (s, met Symphony) Don Quixote, Z. 578. Art all can do, why then will mortals, sopranen (2), bas, b.c. (1694) The prophetess, Z. 627 (1690, History of Dioclesian). Charon the peaceful shade invites, zangstem, fluiten (2), b.c. (s, met Prelude) The prophetess, Z. 627 (1690, History of Dioclesian). Tell me why, my charming fair, sopraan, bas, b.c. King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). You say 'tis love, sopraan, bas, b.c. The fatal marriage, Z. 595 (1694). I sigh'd and owned my love, zangstem, b.c. (s) The double dealer, Z. 592 (1693). Cynthia frowns whene'er I woo her, zangstem, b.c. (s) The prophetess, Z. 627 (1690, History of Dioclesian). When first I saw the bright Aurelia's eyes, zangstem, b.c. (s) The tempest, Z. 631 (Enchanted isle). Dear pretty youth, zangstem, b.c. (a) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Fairest isle, zangstem, b.c. (s, Bes gr.t.) Bonduca, Z. 574 (1695). O lead me to some peaceful gloom, zangstem, b.c. (s) Lost is my quiet forever, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 502 (1691, for ever) There ne'er was so wretched a lover, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 513 A fool's preferment, Z. 571 (1688). I'll sail upon the dog-star, zangstem, b.c. (t, C gr.t.) Fair Cloe my breast so alarms, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 486 (1692) Don Quixote, Z. 578. Sing all ye muses, countertenor, bas, b.c. (1694) Tyrannic love, Z. 613 (1695). Hark my Damilcar, sopraan, bas, b.c. (Doridcar) The maid's last prayer, Z. 601 (1693). No, resistance is but vain, sopranen (2), b.c. Let Hector, Achilles, and each brave commander, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 501 Love arms himself in Celia's eyes, zangstem, b.c., Z. 392 (s, C gr.t.) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Sound a parley, zangstemmen (2), violen (2), b.c. Don Quixote, Z. 578. Since times are so bad, soli (2), koor (2 st.), b.c. (1694) Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Strike the viol, touch the lute, zangstem, b.c. (a) Hail, bright Cecilia, Z. 328 (1692). The fife and all the harmony, zangstem, instrumentaal ensemble (4) (s) Bacchus is a pow'r divine, zangstem, b.c., Z. 360 (b, D gr.t.) Hail, bright Cecilia, Z. 328 (1692). 'Tis nature's voice, zangstem, b.c. (s, D gr.t.) Regulus, zangstem, b.c., Z. 586 (1692, s, Ah me! to many deaths decreed, d kl.t.) Fly swift, ye hours, zangstem, b.c., Z. 369 (1692, s, d kl.t.) Sir Barnaby Whigg, soli (2), koor (2 st.), b.c., Z. 589 (1681, Blow Boreas blow) The massacre of Paris, zangstem, b.c., Z. 604A (1689, b, c kl.t., Thy genius, lo) Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626. Ah! Belinda I am prest, zangstem, b.c. (s) The fairy queen, Z. 629 (1692). O let me weep, zangstem, viool, b.c. (s, The plaint) The married beau, Z. 603 (1694). See where repenting Celia lies, zangstem, b.c. (s) Nestor, who did to thrice man's age attain, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 503 Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (1693, Birthday ode for Queen Mary). Let sullen discord smile, zangstem, violen (2), b.c. (s, met Prelude) Sound the trumpet, beat the drum, Z. 335 (1687, Birthday song for King James). Let Caesar and Urania live, alten (2), b.c. King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). For folded flocks, sopraan, bas, b.c.; arr. (vrouwenstemmen (2), bas, b.c.) The fairy queen, Z. 629 (1692). Turn, then thine eyes, sopranen (2), b.c. Welcome to all the pleasures, Z. 339 (1683). Here the Deities approve, zangstem, b.c. (a) The marriage-hater match'd, Z. 602 (1692). As soon as the chaos was made, sopraan, bas, b.c. The Indian queen, Z. 630. I attempt from love's sickness to fly, zangstem, b.c. (s, E gr.t.) The fairy queen, Z. 629 (1692). Now the maids and the men, alt, bas, b.c. The Richmond heiress, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 608 (1693, Behold the man) Don Quixote, Z. 578. Let the dreadful engines, zangstem, b.c. (1694, b) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). I call you all to Woden's hall, zangstem, b.c. (a, Woodens) In all our Cynthia's shining sphere, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 496 (is ook - ten onrechte - toegeschreven aan Daniel Purcell) While bolts and bars my days control, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 523 (day) Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (1693, Birthday ode for Queen Mary). While for a righteous cause, zangstem, trompet, b.c. (b) Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (1693, Birthday ode for Queen Mary). Return, fond muse, zangstem, orkest (cnt, met Symphony) Come ye sons of art away, Z. 323 (1694). Sound the trumpet 'till around, countertenors (2), b.c. Celebrate this festival, Z. 321 (1693, Birthday ode for Queen Mary). Happy realm, zangstemmen (3), hobo's (2), b.c. (met Ritornello) Hail, bright Cecilia, Z. 328 (1692). The airy violin and lofty viol, zangstem, violen (2), b.c. (cnt) Go tell Amynta, gentle swain, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 489 (Amintor, Aminta) Of old when heroes thought it base, Z. 333 (1690, Yorkshire feast song). And now when the renown'd Nassau, countertenors (2), trompetten (2), b.c. (met Ritornello) Of old when heroes thought it base, Z. 333 (1690, Yorkshire feast song). They did no storms nor threat'nings fear, bassen (2), b.c. Of old when heroes thought it base, Z. 333 (1690, Yorkshire feast song). Sound, trumpet, sound, beat every drum, zangstem, b.c. (a) From hardy climes, Z. 325 (1683). The sparrow and the gentle dove, zangstem, b.c. (t) Ye tuneful muses, raise your heads, Z. 344 (Birthday song for King James II). With him he brings the partner, zangstem, b.c. (a) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). What ho! thou genius of this isle, zangstem, strijkorkest (s, Frost scene, met Prelude) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Hither this way, zangstem, orkest (s, met Prelude) The libertine, Z. 600 (Libertine destroyed). Nymphes and shepherds, come away, zangstem, b.c. (s) Bonduca, Z. 574 (1695). Britons strike home, sopraan, bas, b.c. Timon of Athens, the man-hater, Z. 632. The cares of lovers, zangstem, b.c. (cnt) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). What pow'r art thou, zangstem, strijkorkest (b, met Prelude while the cold genius rises) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Thou doting fool, forbear, zangstem, b.c. (s) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Great love, I know thee now, zangstem, violen (2), b.c. (b) High on a throne of glitt'ring ore, sopraan, koor (2 st.), b.c., Z. 465 (herz. versie) Love thou can'st hear, tho' thou art blind, zangstem, b.c., Z. 396 (s, c kl.t.) The female virtuosos, sopranen (2), b.c., Z. 596 (1693, Love thou art best) Hail, bright Cecilia, Z. 328 (1692). Thou tun'st this world, zangstem, hobo's (2), b.c. (s, met Symphony) King Arthur, Z. 628 (1691). Shepherd, leave decoying, sopranen (2), houtblazers (4), b.c. (Shepherd, shepherd, met Symphony) The rival sisters, Z. 609 (1695). Celia has a thousand charms, zangstem, b.c. (s) The libertine, Z. 600 (Libertine destroyed). In these delightful, pleasant groves, koor (4 st.) Were I to choose the greatest bliss, sopraan, bas, b.c., Z. 517 (1689) The prophetess, Z. 627 (1690, History of Dioclesian). Since from my dear Astrea's sight, zangstem, b.c. (s) The Spanish friar, zangstem, b.c, Z. 610 (s, Whilst I with grief did on you look, g kl.t.) From silent shades and the Elysian groves, zangstem, b.c., Z. 370 (s, C gr.t., Bess of Bedlam) What a sad fate is mine, zangstem, b.c., Z. 428b (s, c kl.t.) If music be the food of love, zangstem, b.c., Z. 379c (s, g kl.t.) Lovely Albina's come ashore, zangstem, b.c., Z. 394 (1695, s, C gr.t.) This poet sings the Trojan wars, zangstem, b.c., Z. 423 (s, c kl.t.) See, how the fading glories of the year, sopraan, koor (2 st.), b.c., Z. 470 (1689) Corinna is divinely fair, zangstem, b.c., Z. 365 (s, g kl.t.) Tyrannic love, Z. 613 (1695). Ah! how sweet it is to love, zangstem, b.c. (s)

Annotatie Sel. van liederen en vocale fragmenten uit opera's en toneelmuziek. - Voor 1, 2 en 3 zangstemmen (soms met koor) met begeleiding (voornamelijk b.c.). - Engelse teksten. - Fotomech. herdr. van de uitg., London : Pearson, 1721 (3e dr., met voorw.) Bron van beschr.: rugzijde

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