First set of madrigals

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Overige titelgegevens : to 3. 4. 5. and 6 voices ; (published in 1598) ; Madrigal by John Wilbye : (included by Morley in the 'Triumphs of Oriana', published in 1601) ; Two motets by John Wilbye : (included by William Leighton in 'Tears and lamentations', published in 1614) / John Wilbye ; [edited by Edmund H. Fellowes]

Bevat English madrigals, zangstemmen (3-6), set 001. 1598 I am quite tired, zangstemmen (4). 1614 O God the rock of my whole strength, zangstemmen (5). 1614 The lady Oriana, zangstemmen (6). 1601

Annotatie Motetten voor 4 en 5 zangstemmen. - Teksten apart afgedrukt. - Met voorw. en facsimile. - Met pianopartij ter instudering. - Cop. 1914

Serie The English madrigal school |v vol. 6

Linked Open Data https://data.muziekschatten.nl/som/374195