Overige titelgegevens: (published in 1613) / Henry Lichfild ; [edited by Edmund H. Fellowes]
OnderdelenBevat: 1. All ye that sleep in pleasure 2. Shall I seek to ease my grief? 3. The shepherd Claius seeing (the first part) 4. First with looks he lives (the second part) 5. Ay me, that life should yet remain 6. O my grief, were it disclosed 7. I always loved to call 8. O come shepherds all together 9. Sweet Daphne, stay thy flying 10. Alas my Daphne, stay 11. Ay me, when to the air 12. Arise, sweet heart 13. When first I saw those cruel eyes (the first part) 14. If this be love to scorn (the second part) 15. Cruel let my heart be blessed 16. A seely sylvan (the first part) 17. The sylvan justly suffered (the second part) 18. Injurious hours 19. Whilst that my lovely Daphne 20. My heart oppressed
London : Stainer and Bell, 1922
AnnotatieVoor 5 zangstemmen of 5 viole da gamba. - 2e boek is nooit verschenen. - Teksten apart afgedrukt. - Met biografie en voorw. - Met pianopartij ter instudering. - Cop. 1922