
Anthology of Yiddish folksongs

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Overige titelgegevens / [compiled by] Aharon Vinkovetzky, Abba Kovner en Sinai Leichter

Bevat In der kuznye (In the smithy) Un du akerst un du zeyst (And you plow) Brider un shvester (Brothers and sisters) Blondzhe mer nit (Do not go astray) Barikadn (Barricades) Dos naye lid (A new song) Di shvue (The oath) Hirsh Lekert (The ballad of Hirsh Lekert) Borukh Shulman (Baruch Shulman) Hulyet, hulyet, beyze vintn (Howl, howl, angry winds) In kamf (In the struggle) Mayn tsavoe (My testament) Mir zaynen soldatn (We are soldiers) Mayn rue plats (My resting place) Es rirt zikh (Things are moving) Es dremlt di turme (A prison in repose) Proletarke, shvester mayne (My sister, the proletarian) Kirkhn glokn (Church bells) Shtil kumt um der umbashitster (Death of the defenceless) Dos kelbl (The little calf) (Dona Dona) Undzer shtetl brent (Our town is burning) Zog nit keyn mol (Never say) Partizanen marsh (Partisan march) Tsien zikh makhnes fartribene (Deportations) Yugnt himn (A youth hymn) Unter di poylishe grininke beymelekh (Under Poland's trees) Unter di khurves fun Poyln (Under the ruins of Poland) Nit keyn rozhinkes (Neither raisins nor almonds) Shtiler, shtiler, lomir shvaygn (Hush, hush) Itsik Vitenberg (Itzik Wittenberg) Geto (Ghetto) Varshe (Warsaw) Treblinke (Treblinka) Dos elnte kind (The lonesome child) A Yidish kind (A Jewish child) Kinderlekh kleyninke (Children, little ones) Bay undz iz shtendik fintster (We are in constant darkness) Hot zikh mir di shikh tserisn (My shoes wore out) Vig im, vig im tsu (Rock him, rock him) Ay lyu lyu, nakht un regn (Ay lyu lyu, night and rain) Yidish tango (A Jewish tango) S'dremlen feygl (Birds are dreaming) Es shlogt di sho (The day is near) Gehat hob ikh a heym (Once I had a home) Es benkt zikh (Yearning) Fun der arbet (Slave labour) Koyft geto Beygelekh (Buy ghetto Baigelech) Koyft zhe papirosn (Please, buy cigarettes) Shtil di nakht is oysgeshternt (The starry night) Rivkele di shabesdike (Rivkele the Sabbath casualty) Makh tsu di eygelekh (Shut your little eyes) A Yiddish kind fun Poyln (A Jewish child of Poland) Es hot zikh der krig shoyn geendikt (The war is over) Mir lebn eybik (We are an eternal people) Moyde ani (Mode ani) Minutn fun bitokhn (Moments of confidence) Ani Maamin Eyli, eyli, lomo azavtoni (Eyli, eyli, lomo azavtoni) A din toyre mit got (Petition to the Almighty) Ma noymar uma nedaber? (What shall we say?) Zol shoyn kumen di geule (Let the redemption come) Zamd un shtern (Sand and stars) Oyf kidush hashem (Martyrdom) Goles marsh (Song of exile) Rozhinkes mit mandlen (Raisins and almonds) Eliyahu hanavi (Eliyahu, the prophet) Mir shmidn (We forge) Zol zayn (May be) A pastekhl - A troymer (The dreaming little shepherd) Eybik (Eternally) Oyfn veg shteyt a boym (Along the road there stands a tree) Dort vu di tseder (There, where the cedars) Poaley-Tsiyon shvue (The oath of 'Poale-Zion') Di sokhe (The wooden plough) Shivas Tsion (Return to Zion) Tsion (Zion) Di Yidishe frayhayt (Jewish freedom) Kh'bin oysgeven a velt (I travelled the world) Dos gezegenish lid (The song of parting) Lekhayim, far undzer medine (Lekhayim) Mir zingen 'Kakhol Velavan' (We sing 'Kakhol Velavan') Am Yisroel Khay (The people of Israel lives) Sisu vesimkhu (Let us rejoice) In Erets-Israel (In the land of Israel) Ver vet boyen undzer land? (Who will build our land?) Yom Haatsmaut (Independence day) Shnirele-Perele (Shnirele-Perele) A kholutsl (A little chalutz) Leshana habaa birusholayim (Next year in Jerusalem) Dos pintele Yid (The spark of the Jew)

Annotatie Met voorw. - Cop., Jeruzalem : Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1987

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