Feldman's 19th song annual
Overige titelgegevens / with tonic sol-fa setting
Bevat The wedding glide On the Mississippi You're my baby When I lost you Take me in your arms and say you love me When the midnight choo-choo leaves for Alabam' My little Persian rose Someday Hello, hello, who's your lady friend? The way the wind blows we'll go They built Piccadilly for me (Silk hat Tony) Snookey ookums How do you do, Miss Ragtime? The rag-time navvy Who are you with to-night? How are yer? The Gaby glide The ghost of the violin Good-bye summer, so long fall, hello wintertime Pick, pick, pick, pick on the mandolin, Antonio Yesterday you called me sweetheart Those ragtime melodies Monty from Monte Carlo The other department, please Hold your hand out The ragtime curate My Irish Maggie Dance your troubles away What a game it is, wow, wow I wonder what mother will say Songs and operas in ragtime Mother Machree P.C. forty-nine That ragtime suffragette Ragtime soldier man Who'll play puss in the corner? I'm coming back to bonnie, bonnie Scotland
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