Children's songs
Overige titelgegevens : songs of friendship, safety, manners, health / [words and music] Irving Caesar
Bevat The friendly doctor Two times a day Rub-a-dub-dub With my rub-rub rubbers I'm healthy 'cause I'm happy John and Mary Upright I woke up with a cold The cow parade Two clean hands Soap and water are my friends After everything I doodle doodle do Someday I'll grow up Polly Polite Peter Please Shirley Early Frank the Bank Sam the Slam Tommy thank you An automobile has two big eyes When you ride a bicycle Talking to the driver Let the ball roll Remember your name and address Ice skating is nice skating Pins and needles, needles and pins Pop-guns and rifles Heroes of peace How to spell friendship Thomas Jefferski I know a friendly city Song of the good neighbor It's always music to his ear Our football team There's something about America Election day Tommy Tax We have a law United Nations We'll soon be one world Let's make the world of tomorrow today Hallelujah bless the peace Child of all nations A man and a maid This is our last chance for peace
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